We Ran the Entire Northbound Appalachian Trail, 2.194.1 miles.
It took us 15 months, endless planning to
manage our children, jobs, and finances to make this happen, but, it CAN be done.

The Appalacian Trail Adeventure Project

March 27-28, 2021: GA miles 0.0- 105.8
April 15-18,2021: NC/TN South miles 105.8-238.9
May 1-2, 2021: NC/TN Central miles 238.9-310.5
May 11-16, 2021: NC/TN North miles 310.5-502.2
June 4-7, 2021: VA South miles 502.2-637
June 25-28, 2021: VA 637-777.2
July 21-25, 2021: VA 777.2-947.5
August 5-9, 2021: NoVA/MD:947.5-1085.3
September 10-13, 2021:1085.3-1260
October 14-17, 2021: 1260-1348.9
April 1-3, 2022-1348.9-1437
April 29-May 1, 2022- 1437-1582
June 8-13, 2022-1582-1733.5
July 16-31, 2022 1733.5-2193.1

The Plan

The Why

Celia Eicheldinger and Myself had such a blast planning, preparing and executing the 72 mile (144 mi double) section of the Appalachian Trail known as S.C.A.R that we knew we knew wanted to keep on planning the adventures. We decided that despite our limitations due to time, family and work we both wanted to run the entire Appalachian Trail, from Springer to Katahdin!

We want this adventure to be as much for us as it is for YOU! We want to inspire, bring hope and share our miles and experience with you. 

While we're at it, we also linked up with Soles4Souls to raise funds and shoes!

(Please Click or Keep reading for More info Below)

$25,000 Fundraising Goal:

We are fundraising for Soles4Souls! To meet our goal of $25,000, we need to raise $1400 per month of this journey. Please consider making a donation to support our AT Runventure with Soles4Souls. You can give once, pledge to support and help fundraise for a month’s cause below that resonates to you or support throughout this journey : https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Meg-Celia-AT

Shoe Donations:

Shoe and clothing donations can be made no matter where you live! Soles4Souls accepts all types and styles. The only items they do not want are one’s that have mold, used under-garments and ice-roller skates. Follow these steps to contribute to our project!

~Gather shoes and clothes you no longer want/need. Pair the shoes with rubber-bands or tie the laces so they stay with their match!

~The link below will allow you to find the nearest drop-off location. MAKE SURE you enter 15+ from the drop-down to ensure they are being taken to a location that can count them towards our collection (DSW stores are not permitted!): https://soles4souls.org/give-shoes/#dropoff

1. Bag up your shoes and clothing separately (no more than 10 pairs of shoes per bag).
2. Fill out a paper donor form and make sure to reference “AT Runventure – Meg & Celia” as the ‘company/group’
3. Follow any other instructions that the drop-off location requires

~If there is not a nearby drop-off location, ship for free via Zappos by dropping off your boxes (weighing under 50 lbs a piece) to the nearest UPS store. Make sure to follow the steps below so we get credit for your donation:

1.Print your labels by creating an account here: https://www.zappos.com/e/soles-4-souls
2. A paper donor form must go in every box you ship and you need to reference “AT Runventure – Meg & Celia” as the ‘company/group’

Podcast Interviews

 AT Run Venture Project: Moms Taking on the Appalachian Trail
Run Hard Mom Hard Podcast, Nikki Parnell-March 12, 2021

Meg Landymore and Celia Eicheldinger Tackle the Appalachian Trail- Episode 1, Robert Keith Cartwright, March 19,2021